Teaching a Lazy First Grader How to Read

Is your kid showing piddling or no involvement to work, be it social, educational, or house chores? Does your child lack the common sense of marvel most the earth around him or her? Do you lot often get irrational answers like I don't care when you try to clarify a thing?

Does your child take pleasure in activities requiring footling try? Is your child'southward graphic symbol depicting one who has a potent sense of entitlement? If you answer 'Yes' to most of these questions and many other behaviours unmentioned, then that may be a lazy child syndrome at work.

What works for a child may non work for the other, and most times apart from the factor of laziness in a child, what you do equally a parent contributes greatly to the child's attitude to work.

The principal solution to laziness is motivation. If a lack of motivation gave nascence to laziness, in that location must exist reasons for it. These reasons could be due to anxiety resulting from frustration and discouragement in times past.

Children who show poor response to such attributes may detect it difficult to bounce dorsum. Even though as a parent you often believe yous are motivating your child but do you know y'all might accept been doing it the wrong way? Perhaps there are better means that tin can make your lazy kid develop a positive attitude towards work; brand him/her inquisitive nearly the globe effectually; learn to take responsibility; and ultimately become a great achiever in his or her life endeavour.

Motivation propels children and even adults to piece of work. Therefore, your desire should be on how best to motivate your lazy child.

Lazy Child Syndrome
Photo Credit: Freepik.com

How to deal with lazy kid syndrome

The post-obit viii tips will become you started on how to solve the lazy child syndrome.

1. Don't make it too piece of cake

At that place is a quote that says "Smashing things never come from comfort zones." This is truthful to a reasonable degree. Avoid making things so easy for your child. Information technology does not make him/her have value for things; rather, it creates a sense of entitlement. This seems funny, correct? You lot can exist sure that this could brand your child furious, but information technology pays in the long run as he or she begins to learn the importance of valuing things.

This can be accomplished by giving rewards for the things washed without the demand to compel. Are y'all wondering how to determine rewards or earnings for a lazy kid? This is so easy. Simply expect out for his/her actions, interest, and what he or she enjoys such as playing games, chatting with friends, watching the television, going to the movies and playing football game etc.

Make a listing of the activities of items that tin be used as reward, so it'south piece of cake to necktie them to specific tasks. Now, it'southward time to try it out, give a daily responsibility, and tell your child what he or she stands to benefit. For example, tell your child she could earn money for her favourite chocolate, meet a film or enjoy additional hours of screen time.

Permit your kid know that this is how real-life works; no work, no pay. Isn't this interesting? If you have taken the right inventory of her interest, then you lot will gradually begin to motivate her to work and value things.

 two. Be an instance

Exercise as I practise is the big undercover behind kids' actions. Even if you don't tell your kid to copy you, he or she tends to imitate your actions regardless of whether information technology is good or bad. Children learn from what they see. Therefore, if you want your child to take responsibility for her homework or household duties, let her see y'all do it. Live past example.

No thing how busy you are, let your child see a role model in you and exist consistent at it. She will but follow suit. You can't sit on the sofa eating snacks and watching your favourite soap opera when at that place are many firm chores yet undone and look your child to get things done on time.

three. Set expectations

Depending on the historic period of your child, requite age-appropriate chores. Don't assume she knows how to do the chores or duties; explain in simple words and if necessary, have a go at information technology in her presence.

The time and energy invested in teaching your child to do things right will yield benefits in the long run, not merely in performing chores but in other aspects of life. Subsequently you take given instructions on what to wait, gear up deadlines so your child tin can go the work done on fourth dimension.

iv. Involve your child in the kitchen

Children can be very demanding near what they desire, especially what they feel like eating, not minding how it is gotten. Therefore, it volition exist a good idea to get them to assist out with simple tasks like cutting the plantain while yous prepare food or joining yous in grocery shopping.

This helps them value any they are given and also guides their spending habits. It also helps to reduce their sense of entitlement when they know how much piece of work goes into what they are getting.

It has been proven that involving kids in kitchen-related activities makes them open to eating nearly every food served and less probable to complain nearly whatsoever nutrient served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It besides keeps them engaged rather than having them sit down effectually idle or binging on electronic devices.

v. Brand giving and volunteering a addiction

Teach your child the attribute of giving to others, both within the family and the society at large. Go your child involved in volunteering activities that give back to communities. Let your child take the opportunity to encounter how much people tin benefit from generous contributions to society.

When your child takes part in volunteering, he or she will learn the attitude of being grateful and content with his or her possessions, and non feel bad for what he or she doesn't have. When your child learns to requite dorsum, he or she besides learns to capeesh the art of using free time and resources to support a worthy crusade. Generally, this tin occupy the child'due south listen and keep him or her super busy, without having time for wasteful activities.

half-dozen. Encourage outdoor activities

Outdoor activities take a way of lightening up the mood and making us feel relaxed. Psychology studies have information technology that exposure to nature increases free energy and a sense of well-existence. Therefore, practice some exercises or clear the garden together with your kid; or just simply take a walk with your child, every bit this can help reduce the lazy child syndrome.

seven. Reduce doing likewise much for your child

Doing as well much for your child robs him or her of the skills and practice important to develop mastery in life. He or she will become used to people getting things done for him or her, and this feeds the lazy kid syndrome, rather than dealing with it.

An example of this is when y'all complete your kid'south homework instead of only providing guidance for it to exist done by him or her. Doing more than for your children makes them practice less for themselves, and this makes them more dependent.

In other words, you must learn to listen to your child when he or she needs help; but let him or her have the lead while yous provide assist; and don't exist in a hurry to fix things upwards for your child all the time. Know your kid's abilities and nurture him or her to take responsibility. Gradually introduce new activities and picket your child do them. This can be very tough at beginning but information technology will highly reduce laziness and pay at the end.

8. Give positive reinforcements

Learning to encourage and praise your child when he or she does well is a smashing motivation that will make him or her ever practise more. Appreciate every little effort contributed to getting work completed; this will excite and increment his or her appetite for more than responsibility.

Every child has what motivates him or her; observe it, and utilise information technology as a corking tool to ignite responsibleness.


Source: https://www.greenspringsschool.com/lazy-child-syndrome/

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